Tania's Journey

“It’s always sunny if you go high enough.”                                                                                                             -Tania Xenis

The passing of our dear Tania, Xenis co-founder and lead artist, has impacted us all very deeply and we truly appreciate the love and support of our cherished collectors through these difficult times. 

February 1970 - February 2022


In 1994, Marlene Xenis and her daughter Tania began The Xenis Collection, operating from a small shop located in British Columbia. Born in Maple Ridge, B.C., Tania showed promise as an artist from the age of five. At eight, she received her first art award in a province-wide Canadian Forest Products poster contest. Tania eventually studied architectural design at UFV in British Columbia, graduating in 1992. 


For Tania, art and creation was always a part of her life and she went on to create many beautiful pieces – breathing life into each work of art. Even after being told that carving maple was impossible, Tania pursued her craft. It was that steadfast tenacity that sustained her in everything she did.

“There are many long hours of design work and many long hours of back-and-forth until everyone is happy. There are long hours of carving, sanding, painting and sewing until a doll is finished. You work at locating the perfect accessory and, when you finally discover that you won’t, you make them yourself. It is a love/hate/love relationship,” Tania confides. “You love the ideas you have but hate the tedious process of putting everything together. But then you love it again when it is almost finished, and then you get to sign it and ship it off to a collector who will love it as well.”

To honour Tania, we will ensure her legacy continues and invite you to join us. 

For true doll lovers

"For anyone looking to broaden their existing collection - or starting to collect- I believe wood will continue to have a special place.... It may not be large , but it is an extension of the woodcarver's art. Xenis' work in this field is especially worth collecting ..."

- E. S. Blakey, Director of the Dancing Bear Folk Center Museum

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